Where am I at? ( Book Updates #1)

          Currently, my WIP is The Necrea Chronicles, a high fantasy series revolving around WAY too many main characters. (like 7 I think)

TNC is under heavy construction atm, I'm trying to fix all the plot holes and all that jazz in the worldbuilding. But, if you follow my YouTube, you've probably seen a lot of the characters already!

Worldbuilding is currently at around 5-6 pages in a google doc, I've been working on it on and off but I really want to get serious about it! 

There are 5 non-human humanoid species in Necrea. 
1. Valkkyn

2. Asali

3. Reapers

4. Frigyds

5. Jiweans

Theorize with that what you will!

(Hint: The Grim Family) 


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