
Book Updates #3

 The Rough Draft of Silver Skin and Glowing Eyes has been finished The rough draft of TNC book 2, Cornerstone, has been finished The Rough draft of TNC Book 3, In Science and in Health, has been finished Currently working on TNC Book 4, Falling Down. I plan on making The Necrea Chronicles a 6 part series.  After I finish all of the parts, they will head into the revision stage, then I will most likely compile them all into one book. The Main character of  Cornerstone is Orva, a very VERY old character of mine that I've now rewritten for TNC The Main characters of In Science and in Health are Dr. Aster and Harvey, who are relatively new characters.  I'm VERY behind on my writing atm, I currently have 2.5k words to do, and by tomorrow it will be 4.5k since today is my day off. I will hopefully post chapters of TNC here after they are finished with revisions etc. 

Book Update #2

 Silver Skin and Glowing Eyes will be the title of the first book in The Necrea Chronicles. I've written approximately 11k words in it so far. The main character of it is Grim, whom you may know if you follow my Youtube Channel. I've had to repeatedly remind myself that proper novels/novellas don't use alternating caps. Generally I think it's been going pretty well. Lots of trauma, for funsies. Had to work out an issue with the pacing, but I think I've fixed it for the most part now.  Some of the best mistypes I've had so far include: "The Ceremony of Pacifish" (Pacifism) I outlined the whole thing but have been adding on to it and making up random things as I go-  it's a fun time. 2k words per day and I haven't given up yet. About 1/5th done with my goal for NaNoWriMo this year. :DDDD

Man, I hate timelines (Mini Book Update)

 I absolutely despise timelines. TNC's Timeline is all over the place, haphazard-like. Factoring all the ages, and I'm dealing in negative numbers because everything takes place BEFORE a big event in the world history. And naturally I can't let myself off the hook and just work out the outline rather than the timeline, bc wHaT iF tHeRe'S a PlOtHoLe-

Where am I at? ( Book Updates #1)

          Currently, my WIP is The Necrea Chronicles, a high fantasy series revolving around WAY too many main characters. (like 7 I think) TNC is under heavy construction atm, I'm trying to fix all the plot holes and all that jazz in the worldbuilding. But, if you follow my YouTube, you've probably seen a lot of the characters already! Worldbuilding is currently at around 5-6 pages in a google doc, I've been working on it on and off but I really want to get serious about it!  There are 5 non-human humanoid species in Necrea.  1. Valkkyn 2. Asali 3. Reapers 4. Frigyds 5. Jiweans Theorize with that what you will! (Hint: The Grim Family)